There are currently 372 physical therapy assistant programs nationwide that offer associate degrees. Interested in becoming a physical therapist assistant pta.
Physical Therapy Assistant Program
Physical Therapy Assistant Pta School Associates Degree Program
The commission on accreditation in physical therapy education capte accredits physical therapy programs to assure quality both that the quality of your course work is high and that the schools produce people qualified to serve the public.
Physical therapy assistant classes. Choosing a physical therapist assistant degree program. Most of these degree programs consist of general education courses physical therapy. Due to the clinical requirements completely online physical therapy assistant degree programs do.
Instead they must attend an accredited college and earn a physical therapist assistant associate degree which can be completed in 2 years or 5 semesters. Read on to learn about the most commonly offered classes. Offered at the associates degree level physical therapy assistant programs train students to successfully administer physical therapy treatments under the supervision of licensed physical therapists.
Some programs may require your observation take place in a minimum of 2 different locations. Physical therapist assistant programs are two year 5 semesters associate of science as programs offered through community colleges technical schools and traditional universities and colleges. Physical therapy assistant online course curriculum.
To gain some experience before you start the program volunteer with a physical therapist health care practitioner or at a local nursing home. As you consider your options for physical therapist assistant schools you will find that. Physical therapist assistant pta undergraduate courses provide training in patient care therapy administration and medical equipment.
In order to take the licensure exam you must have graduated from a capte accredited program. It will also help to have a strong well rounded academic background in biology chemistry physics health art and the social sciences. Unlike other physical therapist assistant pta programs our curriculum is designed with a unique blend of online courses and immersive on campus labs giving you the flexibility and firsthand experience you need.
As you can see most of pta classes online are taught through distance learning but a few require meeting in person. Physical therapist assistant associates degree. Heres what you need to know about pta education.
The table below shares a general curriculum of physical therapist assistant online courses. Most schools require an experience form which chronicles between 10 50 hours of volunteeringobserving first hand treatment on patients administered by a physical therapist or physical therapy assistant. Physical therapist assistant training licensing.
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